These specifications encompass all functions related to the furnishing and installation of all Imperial Glass Structures skylight products. Imperial Glass Structures recommends installation by factory authorized representatives.
- Scope
The work involves the furnishing and installing of all the Skylight type work as indicated on the Contract Drawings. The Skylight manufacturer shall be responsible to carry out all related functions.
- Work Included
Engineering, fabrication and installation of the Skylight frames and glass. Furnishing and installing of the metal flashing directly related to the Skylight work. Roof curbs, roof flashing and wood blocking are not part of this Section.
- Shop Drawings
Submit 3 sets of Shop Drawings for the Architect's approval prior to commencing fabrication. Drawings shall be to a minimum scale of 1/8" = 1'-0" except for details which shall be full size.
- Structural Calculations
Furnish structural calculations by a licensed engineer. The Skylight(s) shall be designed to meet the governing Building Code or loading conditions.
- Test Results
Furnish Test Results certified by an independent testing laboratory conforming in full compliance with AAMA Standard 501-83 for Air Infiltration, Water Penetration and Structural Loading per ASTM E-283, E-330 and E-331 testing methods.
- Samples
Submit 1 sample of each type of glass and finish.
- Skylight(s)
Prior to final payment this Subcontractor shall furnish the Owner with a written warranty certifying that the installation shall be free of defects in framing materials and workmanship for a period up to ten (10) years from the date of skylight completion.
- Glass
The glass panels shall be warranted against color deterioration, seal failure and any manufacturing defects per the standard warranty of the glass manufacturer.
- The Contract Drawings and Specifications are based upon the product(s) of:
Imperial Glass Structures Company
2120 South Foster Ave.
Wheeling, IL 60090
Ph. (847) 253-6150
Fax (847) 253-6154
- Other manufacturers may request approval by submitting the following information to the Architect not less than 15 days prior to the close of bids:
- Comprehensive details as applicable to this project.
- Structural calculations based on the design criteria (per Paragraph 1.02 B above) indicating the adequacy of the Substitute manufacturer's system.
- Complete specifications.
- Ten (10) year Product Warranty.
- A list of at least five (5) installations with references, similar in type and magnitude, completed within the past five (5) years.
- A statement warranting that the manufacturer has specialized in aluminum glass glazed custom skylight systems for at least 20 continuous years.
- Aluminum Frame
All supporting members shall be extruded aluminum tubular type, 6063-T6 alloy and temper, and shall include integral condensate control channels located just below the glass line. Tubular members having condensate channels located at the midpoint or bottom of the members shall be unacceptable. All purlin to rafter and girt to column connections shall be concealed internal sleeve type. Exterior mullion caps shall include snap-in strips for concealing exterior fasteners.
- Glazing Strips
The glass supporting and gasketing shall be extruded dense neoprene, minimum 1/8" face clearance, and shall have the following minimum characteristics:
- Hardness: (Shore A) 55 +/- 5 durometer.
- Tensile Strength: 2,000 psi.
- Elongation: 450%
- Fasteners
Exterior fasteners shall be stainless steel. All internal fasteners and anchors shall be zinc or cadmium plated.
- Sealant
The sealant shall be silicone and shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
- Flashing shall be aluminum .040 minimum thickness.
- Finish: (Please specify)
- Sloped Glass: (Please specify)
Vertical Glass: (Please specify, if required)
- All rafters and purlin members shall be rectangular tubes with condensate control channels located immediately below the glass line in order to insure flush, unbroken surfaces at the bottoms and midpoints.
- The extruded aluminum curb member shall be insulated, if required, featuring concealed exterior fasteners.
- All purlin to rafter and girt to column connections shall be internal type. Fasteners shall be concealed to the greatest extent possible. Exposed clips, plates and connectors shall be unacceptable.
- The Skylight shall be of thermally improved design.
- All exterior cap members shall incorporate snap-in glazing strips for concealing exterior fasteners. Glass panels and exterior cap members shall not come into contact with interior metal surfaces.
- The finish aluminum components shall be applied after, not before, fabrication.
- The Skylight(s) shall incorporate proper condensate control and weep system.
- This Subcontractor shall insure that the structure upon which the Skylight(s) are installed is properly prepared.
- Should the underlying structure be defective in any respect, this Subcontractor shall notify the General Contractor. Skylight installation shall be suspended pending the correction of the defective work to the satisfaction of the this subcontractor.
- Aluminum members coming into contact with dissimilar materials shall receive a protective coating to prevent electrolysis.
- The installation shall be performed by the Skylight manufacturer or their factory authorized representative.
- All work shall be plumb, level and true to line, and shall be in full conformity with approved Shop Drawings.
- Glass panels shall be installed in conformance with the standards and recommendations of the glass manufacturer.
- All skylight surfaces shall be cleaned of sealant, dirt and other substances at time of installation. Protection and final cleaning of completed work is the responsibility of the General Contractor.
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